What we do

Our Gateway

Your Gateway Membership Team is here to represent you. By hearing your views, we ensure you are at the heart of what we do.

As a Gateway organisation, we are committed to making sure your voice is part of every conversation. The Gateway Membership Team is there to represent you within the organisation, and has direct access to the executive team and the Board.

The Gateway Membership Team is made up of tenants and individuals who are passionate about helping to improve services for residents. They are elected by Watford Community Housing members – click here to find out more about becoming a member and what it involves.

If you have thoughts or ideas about Watford Community Housing’s services, the Gateway Membership Team would love to hear from you. You can contact the team by emailing community@wcht.org.uk.

Chris Blackett – Chair

Chris Blackett – Chair

I am the current Chair of the GMT and have been involved since the transfer of the Housing stock with Watford Borough Council. I have represented tenants at a national level, but I am also very passionate about local resident groups, including the Sherwoods Community Group which I am a part of.

Chris is in her final term on the GMT this year and will stand down in September 2024. You can read all about Chris’s time with us here.

Cheryl Hollingsworth

Cheryl Hollingsworth

I was a council tenant for many years before the transfer and I always bring examples of lived experience to GMT meetings from my network of friends and family. This year on the the GMT I have focussed on property allocations and working with staff to scrutinise mutual exchange processes and applications. 

Hind El Khoumssi

Hind El Khoumssi

I became a Watford Community Housing tenant in 2016 and since then I have taken part in a Level 2 Housing Practice course that was funded by Watford Community Housing, as well as scrutiny panels, becoming a Customer Representative and most recently a GMT member. I am not afraid to discuss difficult topics, and I regularly review Stage 2 complaints with members of staff. All of these things have empowered me with so much knowledge about the housing sector and its challenges, so that now I can be a voice for the wider social housing community.

Lily Hendley

Lily Hendley

I have a professional background in construction and a history of grassroots involvement with my local resident group in Woodside. I am very passionate about ensuring good communication between landlord and tenant and I regularly review customer complaints to ensure the right outcome is achieved and that tenants are being treated fairly. I also support Watford Community Housing on their tendering process for contractors, including the most recent one for the Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance contract.

Lynn Wheeler

Lynn Wheeler

I was a Watford Community Housing tenant for over 30 years as well as a member of their Housing team for 17 years. I recently became a member of the GMT in order to share my housing experience and to be the voice of tenants who are unable to raise their concerns. I also wanted to help support Watford Community Housing and the team as they continue to provide an efficient and effective service for our customers. I am committed to equal opportunities, and taking into account policies and procedures.

Peter Okojie

Peter Okojie

I have been a member of the GMT for two years now. I am glad that I volunteered to be a part of the group because it has helped me to develop my understanding of how tenants are managed by Watford Community Housing, where to find support and to find out what is going on in the housing community. Previously, this was all unclear to me and most tenants in my locality – now I can speak out and adequately present issues that bother me and my fellow residents, such as anti-social behaviour and repairs, which I have found very useful and rewarding. Making our voices heard has always been my passion and I would like to continue working with the team to make this happen. 

Samanga Billiat

Samanga Billiat

As a health care professional, I bring my experience of care and support for patients to the GMT to ensure it is considered when new policies are being created. I also use my real experiences to challenge Repairs processes, particularly for tenants who are working full time. 

Sarah Compton

Sarah Compton

I have been a member of the GMT for a year or so, but I first got involved in 2019 after I completed my housing practice qualification funded by Watford Community Housing. I am passionate about helping others and as a disability advocate, I feel I can look at things from a different perspective. I strive for equality in housing and better homes for all. Being on the GMT opens opportunities and it’s great to be part of such a fabulous team. It’s so rewarding to create a positive impact.

Tony Lankester

Tony Lankester

As well as being a member of the GMT, I am also a resident inspector and a proud mental health champion, particularly for residents with bipolar disorder – I am a firm believer in using my experiences to give back to others.

Tony has written a book that captures his journey to understanding his own body, mind and spirit, and gives ‘how to’ tips that readers can apply to their own wellness journey – read our story on that here.