Your neighbourhood

What we do

Each of our neighbourhoods has its own dedicated Mobile Estates Officer who keeps your local area maintained day-to-day.

We have three officers who visit their assigned estates each day to pick up litter, report any issues and generally monitor the area. You can find information about your dedicated Mobile Estates Officer on the noticeboards in your block, or if you get in touch with us we can ask your officer to visit you to say hello. 

Tree maintenance

We have regular tree surveys carried out on all of our trees that are in communal or public spaces. Based on these surveys, we will arrange any works that need doing urgently as a priority.

We also carry out work on trees for public safety and to prevent damage to vehicles or properties. We will carry out works if a tree blocks street lights, road signs or traffic lights, or if pruning will benefit the health of the tree and the surrounding environment.

We aren't responsible for the maintenance of trees to reduce leaf or seed fall, sap, aphids or bird droppings. We won’t carry out works to trees because they are blocking light or swaying in the wind, or to help improve your television reception. We may also refuse requests for other reasons that aren't related to public safety. 

Please be aware that we avoid pruning trees as much as possible from March to late August as this is bird nesting season and it's an offence to harm or disturb nesting birds.