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Exchange your home

Swapping homes using the mutual exchange service is a great way to move to somewhere that’s perfect for you.

If you’re a secure tenant who would like to move somewhere else in the country or into a home that better suits your needs, you might be interested in a mutual exchange. A mutual exchange allows you to remain a housing association tenant whilst moving to a home that’s the right size and location for you.

Using the Homeswapper website, you can find and contact other tenants from across the UK who could be interested in swapping with you. Once you think you’ve found the right swap, you can visit the property to check it out, and then we’ll help you to complete the exchange.

Register to Homeswapper and we will use SwapTracker to manage your application. This will give you real-time updates and automatic notifications, a clear guide to where you are in the swap process and many more benefits that will make the mutual exchange process as smooth as possible. 

Registering for Homeswapper is quick and easy, and by taking that first step you could be on your way to moving to your dream home!

If you're ready to apply for a mutual exchange visit Homeswapper now, or contact our Housing team if you have any questions. 

Frequently asked questions

What is a Mutual Exchange?
A mutual exchange is the process where a social housing tenant can legally exchange their property with another social housing tenant, this is also known as a "home swap".
Who can Mutual Exchange?
A Watford Community Housing tenant who holds a secure/assured tenancy wishing to carry out a mutual exchange with another Watford Community Housing tenant or a tenant with another social housing provider.
Can I apply for a mutual Exchange if there is a joint tenancy?
Yes you can, but both parties would need to be in agreement.
There can be no Mutual Exchange if:
You are on a starter/probationary tenancy or you live in one of the following properties: Temporary Accommodation, Market Rent or Joint Venture properties.
How do I apply for a Mutual Exchange?
Applications can be made through the HomeSwapper website or alternatively by completing the following form Application for consent to mutual exchange of accommodation
Someone has offered me money to move. Can I accept this?
You should not accept money offered to you to move. Watford Community Housing considers this as an illegal activity and as such, you and the other person could have your mutual exchange application refused.
What are the reasons why my application may be declined, or consent refused?
  • The account is in rent arrears
  • When the rent of the new property is not affordable
  • If the new property is substantially bigger than the household requires
  • If the property has been adapted for a person with particular needs which the incoming tenant(s) does not have
  • If there have been any tenancy breaches or anti-social behaviour
If my Mutual Exchange application is refused, what can I do?
If your Mutual Exchange is refused, you can make a complaint through our standard complaints process by contacting us by telephone or email.
How long will it take for my application to be approved?
As your landlord, by law we have to make a decision on your application within 42 days of receipt of your application.
What checks are carried out before my application is considered?
Before we are able to make a decision on whether to approve or decline your application, we need to carry out some or all of the following checks:
  • Rent balance
  • Reports of anti-social behaviour
  • Electrical inspection
  • Property survey
  • Gas inspection
  • Landlord references
What happens if my application is successful?
We would inform you of our decision by letter within 42 days. We would work with you and any other relevant parties to agree a mutually convenient moving date.
Can I withdraw from the exchange if I change my mind?
Yes. Any party can cancel the exchange at any point before the tenancy/assignment documents are signed.
Can I move back to my old home if I don’t like the new property?
If the person you exchanged with is willing to swap back, you can reapply for an exchange and provided this is agreed by both landlords the exchange could go ahead.
What is a multi-swap?
A multi-swap is a mutual exchange that involves three or more properties. It creates a chain, similar to the private housing market.