Dog fouling

Dog fouling can be considered anti-social behaviour if it is not stopped.

We suggest that you speak to your neighbour first to explain the issue, as they may not realise that it is causing you a problem. To help you with this, we have produced a “Dear Neighbourpostcard – simply download it, print it out and post it through their door to let them know your concerns.

If the problem persists, please contact us on 0800 218 2247 so we can support you. Please note, we can only take action if the owner of the dog is one of our tenants.

You may want to consider mediation as a way that you and your neighbours can express your feelings about the situation and agree on a solution. This is a free, independent and confidential service that we can refer you to – please just ask and we will be happy to help.

If the dog fouling continues to cause you a nuisance, you do have the option of reporting your concerns to your local authority.