Overflowing and misplaced bins

This is not considered anti-social behaviour.

If the overflowing bin/bin shed is on our land, please contact us so we can arrange for the bins to be collected.

If the overflowing bin/bin shed is on local authority or private land, please contact the local authority so they can arrange for the bins to be collected.

If it is on our property, please report this to us by emailing Estates@wcht.org.uk, including a photograph, and we will arrange for this to be removed.

If a neighbour is placing bins in a way that is affecting you, we suggest that you speak to your neighbour first to explain the issue, as they may not realise that it is causing you a problem. To help you with this, we have produced a “Dear Neighbourpostcard – simply download it, print it out and post it through their door to let them know your concerns.

If the matter persists, please contact us on 0800 218 2247 so we can support you. 

If the bins are from a property that is not owned by Watford Community Housing, you can report your concerns to your local authority.