Stay safe from doorstep scammers!

Stay safe from doorstep scammers!
Three minute read
Published: 10 Mar 2025

We were recently informed that scammers posing as BT/EE salespeople had unfortunately targeted one of our residents and successfully stolen money from them. We wanted to make sure that our residents know how to recognise doorstep scams and how to prevent themselves from becoming victims of fraud.

Doorstep scams or fraud can come in many forms and are not always obvious. However, they do typically involve the perpetrators trying to gain access to your home, gain personal information, or asking you to part with money right then and there.

Signs of doorstep fraud can include:

  • Asking for money or bank details before providing goods. This will usually involve an elaborate story for why they need the money upfront.
  • Saying that they are performing work for your neighbours. Depending on your residency most repairs should be covered by us under your tenancy agreement.
  • Pressuring you into making a quick decision.
  • A lack of ID or proof of where they work. All our operatives and contractors will carry Watford Community Housing ID.
  • They become defensive or change tone when you ask questions or need time to answer.

If you feel something isn’t right, stop the interaction and break contact by closing the door. Don’t hand over any money or financial information, and never let them pressure you into making a quick decision! If they are claiming to represent Watford Community Housing but you are unsure, please contact us on 0800 218 2247 or email and we will verify if the contact is genuine.

If you or someone you know has fallen victim to fraud, please contact Action Fraud and report the incident. Action Fraud will help you with recovering from the scam, provide advice on how to spot scams in the future, and can refer you to other services.

For more information on fraud in general, you can view our page Stay safe from scams! or go to the government’s Stop! Think Fraud site.