GMT Chair named in Watford’s top 100!

GMT Chair named in Watford’s top 100!
Two minute read
Published: 23 Nov 2023

2022 marked 100 years since Watford was awarded its borough status. To celebrate, Watford Borough Council asked for nominations for people – past or present – who have actively contributed to the town. These nominations were then presented to a community panel and 100 were chosen.

We proudly nominated Chris Blackett, Chair of our Gateway Membership Team (GMT), due to her long-lasting passion for social housing and the incredible works she does to give our tenants a voice – and we are very pleased to announce that she was chosen!

We asked Chris how she felt about making the list. She said: 

“I feel honoured to be nominated by Watford Community Housing and to be chosen for Watford’s Top 100. It was a huge surprise! I got involved in social housing because I believe everybody deserves a decent home to live in. Not everyone can afford to buy their home or pay high private rents so there must be places for them to live. I have lived happily in social housing most of my life and will continue to fight for others to have that chance as well.

“I have lived in Watford since I was five and have seen so many changes. I remember Caters, Fine Fare, Bejam, Cawdells and the Blue Cross Sale at Clements – all have gone now. I remember the day Watford went to Wembley for the FA Cup Final with Graham Taylor. Watford is a vibrant town with lots going on – I like living here and look forward to seeing what happens next.

“When I became an involved tenant it was because I wanted a say in what was happening to the council housing – I wanted to make sure my voice was heard. Now I want to ensure all tenants have a voice when it comes to decision-making around their homes and communities. This is why the GMT is so important. We all have our reasons for joining but we all have the same aim; to make our homes and communities the best they can be. We rely on other tenants to come and join and bring fresh ideas and share our commitment. Together our shared voice can make sure social housing is not forgotten because so many people will always need it.”

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