Introducing tenant board member, Simon David!

Introducing tenant board member, Simon David!
Five minute read
Published: 26 Jun 2024

Simon is a current Tenant Board Member and has been working with Watford Community Housing for two years. This is what he had to say about his experience:

What do you enjoy most about being a Tenant Board Member?

The support from the entire team has been amazing. They’ve all been instrumental in making me feel welcome and have each assisted in their own way to help me build my confidence and contribute my ideas as a tenant without experience of working in housing. By working alongside the team, I’ve learnt more than I could’ve imagined about the day-to-day challenges and triumphs of Watford Community Housing, which would’ve gone completely unnoticed and unacknowledged by me as a tenant, had I not applied to become a Tenant Board Member and given myself the chance to learn and understand more.

How has the experience as a Board Member helped you develop?

I gained a genuine understanding of the recruitment process for Watford Community Housing and the role that every new member of the team plays in creating a positive, progressive and problem-solving culture within the organisation. For me, joining as a Tenant Board Member at end of the Covid-19 pandemic exposed the relationship between the housing industry, residents, and central government. I was able to see first-hand how Watford Community Housing made key decisions to navigate internal, external and political uncertainty, and I developed a stronger appreciation of my role and the contribution of all Board Members to the organisation.

What advice would you give someone interested in becoming a Tenant Board Member?

If you’re a tenant of Watford Community Housing, your experience would be valuable and vital to the team. It doesn’t matter whether you have an understanding of the housing industry, as this can be where your experience as a tenant aligns with understanding the day-to-day reality from behind the scenes of the organisation. The Group Board can help you to build your confidence and ensure that your contributions are meaningful for you, the organisation and for all tenants just like you. So, go for it!

Want to expand your skills and experience?

Watford Community Housing can have up to two tenants sit on our Group Board, so if you’re a tenant, leaseholder or shared owner and want to gain new skills, meet new people and help to improve our services, we want to hear from you!

What are the benefits of being a Board Member?

• It is a paid role! You will get £4,500 per year

• You will get free access to high-level training and the chance to develop your skills

• You will get brilliant networking opportunities with free access to events and conferences

• You will also get free IT equipment and a dedicated mentor you can contact at any time

• You will make sure residents and community are at the forefront of the Board’s decision-making

To find out more about becoming a Tenant Board Member, get in touch by emailing