A first look at our ‘tenant satisfaction measures’ results

A first look at our ‘tenant satisfaction measures’ results
Three minute read
Published: 19 Jun 2024

In April 2023, it became law for landlords to report ‘tenant satisfaction measures’ (TSMs) to the Regulator of Social Housing. The TSMs are a variety of questions we asked residents over the last year to assess how well we are doing at providing good-quality homes and services, and where to improve so we can get it right for every one of our customers. 

Using a trusted independent survey provider called Pexel, we surveyed 1,261 residents. Thank you to everyone who took the time to give their feedback. 

Compared to our initial surveys in 2022/23, we saw improvements in 9 out of the 12 TSMs, showing that we are moving in the right direction. 

The three areas where we saw the most improvement were: 

  • How we handle your complaints – +6.8%
  • Listening to your views – +5.6%
  • Repairs satisfaction – +5.5%

The full breakdown of the results, and how we plan to improve low-scoring areas, can be found here.

We will begin our next round of surveys in June, so please keep an eye out for a call from Pexel from their dedicated phone number – 020 4538 9096.